Source code for pika.exceptions

"""Pika specific exceptions"""

[docs]class AMQPError(Exception): def __repr__(self): return 'An unspecified AMQP error has occurred'
[docs]class AMQPConnectionError(AMQPError): def __repr__(self): if len(self.args) == 1: if self.args[0] == 1: return ('No connection could be opened after 1 ' 'connection attempt') elif isinstance(self.args[0], int): return ('No connection could be opened after %s ' 'connection attempts' % self.args[0]) else: return 'No connection could be opened: %s' % self.args[0] elif len(self.args) == 2: return '%s: %s' % (self.args[0], self.args[1])
[docs]class IncompatibleProtocolError(AMQPConnectionError): def __repr__(self): return ('The protocol returned by the server is not supported: %s' % (self.args,))
[docs]class AuthenticationError(AMQPConnectionError): def __repr__(self): return ('Server and client could not negotiate use of the %s ' 'authentication mechanism' % self.args[0])
[docs]class ProbableAuthenticationError(AMQPConnectionError): def __repr__(self): return ('Client was disconnected at a connection stage indicating a ' 'probable authentication error: %s' % (self.args,))
[docs]class ProbableAccessDeniedError(AMQPConnectionError): def __repr__(self): return ('Client was disconnected at a connection stage indicating a ' 'probable denial of access to the specified virtual host: %s' % (self.args,))
[docs]class NoFreeChannels(AMQPConnectionError): def __repr__(self): return 'The connection has run out of free channels'
[docs]class ConnectionClosed(AMQPConnectionError): def __repr__(self): if len(self.args) == 2: return 'The AMQP connection was closed (%s) %s' % (self.args[0], self.args[1]) else: return 'The AMQP connection was closed: %s' % (self.args,)
[docs]class AMQPChannelError(AMQPError): def __repr__(self): return 'An unspecified AMQP channel error has occurred'
[docs]class ChannelClosed(AMQPChannelError): def __repr__(self): if len(self.args) == 2: return 'The channel was closed (%s) %s' % (self.args[0], self.args[1]) else: return 'The channel was closed: %s' % (self.args,)
[docs]class ChannelAlreadyClosing(AMQPChannelError): """Raised when `Channel.close` is called while channel is already closing""" pass
[docs]class DuplicateConsumerTag(AMQPChannelError): def __repr__(self): return ('The consumer tag specified already exists for this ' 'channel: %s' % self.args[0])
[docs]class ConsumerCancelled(AMQPChannelError): def __repr__(self): return 'Server cancelled consumer'
[docs]class UnroutableError(AMQPChannelError): """Exception containing one or more unroutable messages returned by broker via Basic.Return. Used by BlockingChannel. In publisher-acknowledgements mode, this is raised upon receipt of Basic.Ack from broker; in the event of Basic.Nack from broker, `NackError` is raised instead """ def __init__(self, messages): """ :param messages: sequence of returned unroutable messages :type messages: sequence of `blocking_connection.ReturnedMessage` objects """ super(UnroutableError, self).__init__( "%s unroutable message(s) returned" % (len(messages))) self.messages = messages def __repr__(self): return '%s: %i unroutable messages returned by broker' % ( self.__class__.__name__, len(self.messages))
[docs]class NackError(AMQPChannelError): """This exception is raised when a message published in publisher-acknowledgements mode is Nack'ed by the broker. Used by BlockingChannel. """ def __init__(self, messages): """ :param messages: sequence of returned unroutable messages :type messages: sequence of `blocking_connection.ReturnedMessage` objects """ super(NackError, self).__init__( "%s message(s) NACKed" % (len(messages))) self.messages = messages def __repr__(self): return '%s: %i unroutable messages returned by broker' % ( self.__class__.__name__, len(self.messages))
[docs]class InvalidChannelNumber(AMQPError): def __repr__(self): return 'An invalid channel number has been specified: %s' % self.args[0]
[docs]class ProtocolSyntaxError(AMQPError): def __repr__(self): return 'An unspecified protocol syntax error occurred'
[docs]class UnexpectedFrameError(ProtocolSyntaxError): def __repr__(self): return 'Received a frame out of sequence: %r' % self.args[0]
[docs]class ProtocolVersionMismatch(ProtocolSyntaxError): def __repr__(self): return 'Protocol versions did not match: %r vs %r' % (self.args[0], self.args[1])
[docs]class BodyTooLongError(ProtocolSyntaxError): def __repr__(self): return ('Received too many bytes for a message delivery: ' 'Received %i, expected %i' % (self.args[0], self.args[1]))
[docs]class InvalidFrameError(ProtocolSyntaxError): def __repr__(self): return 'Invalid frame received: %r' % self.args[0]
[docs]class InvalidFieldTypeException(ProtocolSyntaxError): def __repr__(self): return 'Unsupported field kind %s' % self.args[0]
[docs]class UnsupportedAMQPFieldException(ProtocolSyntaxError): def __repr__(self): return 'Unsupported field kind %s' % type(self.args[1])
[docs]class UnspportedAMQPFieldException(UnsupportedAMQPFieldException): """Deprecated version of UnsupportedAMQPFieldException"""
[docs]class MethodNotImplemented(AMQPError): pass
[docs]class ChannelError(Exception): def __repr__(self): return 'An unspecified error occurred with the Channel'
[docs]class InvalidMinimumFrameSize(ProtocolSyntaxError): """ DEPRECATED; pika.connection.Parameters.frame_max property setter now raises the standard `ValueError` exception when the value is out of bounds. """ def __repr__(self): return 'AMQP Minimum Frame Size is 4096 Bytes'
[docs]class InvalidMaximumFrameSize(ProtocolSyntaxError): """ DEPRECATED; pika.connection.Parameters.frame_max property setter now raises the standard `ValueError` exception when the value is out of bounds. """ def __repr__(self): return 'AMQP Maximum Frame Size is 131072 Bytes'
[docs]class RecursionError(Exception): """The requested operation would result in unsupported recursion or reentrancy. Used by BlockingConnection/BlockingChannel """
[docs]class ShortStringTooLong(AMQPError): def __repr__(self): return ('AMQP Short String can contain up to 255 bytes: ' '%.300s' % self.args[0])
[docs]class DuplicateGetOkCallback(ChannelError): def __repr__(self): return ('basic_get can only be called again after the callback for the' 'previous basic_get is executed')